Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 4 + a few: Your parents

My parents are some of the best people that i know. My dad is one of the most sensitive people that i know, sometimes i feel like he knows me better then i know myself. He is so caring and always looking for someone else to take care of. He is the perfect example to me of being a faithful member of the church and always doing what is asked of him. He is a worthy priesthood holder that i love and respect along with my mom more then anyone. He has always been someone that i know i could talk to about anything. He's always been there for me. I love you Dad!
My mom is one of my best friends, she is one of the most caring people that is constantly giving service to other people. She is one of the funniest people that i know, she has brightened up many a day that i have been down without knowing. She is always looking out for other people. someone i know will always be there for me no matter what. She has taught me so many things in my life just by the example that she sets for the people around her. I hope that someday i can become as good of a mom that she has been for me. Your the best Mom!


Brent said...

What a totally sweet post. Thank you Annie. You are the best. I will miss you when you go back to school, but am so excited for you!
Love, mom

Brent said...

Thank you Annie that made my day. I love you. Dad

Jenna said...

This is a great post. I totally agree with everything on this post. We do have the best parents.

Meredith said...

Mom and dad are the best!

Gary Hardy said...

Annie, you are a very sweet girl. I quite enjoyed reading about my future parents-in-law from such a close perspective.