Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

(sorry this picture is so huge, and it's kinda an awkward picture)

I think the only people that read this are my family and really close friends, so i thought maybe i'd try to choose 15 things that aren't well known about me...

1. I'm actually extremely self-conscious about my body, but try not to let it get to me.
2. If i had a million dollars to spend on clothes i'd probably spend it at Urban Outfitters (probably not that little known about me)
3. I'm someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, guessing that i got it from my Padre.
4. I tend to cry...probably more then the normal person about the most random stupid things. i'm an extremely emotional person.
5. When i find a song that i like, i'll listen to it on repeat without getting sick of it, until it's on the radio a million times.
6. I've probably kissed more guys then all of my sisters, not proud of it.
7. I regret not getting to know my siblings better before everyone left but i've so grateful for the close relationships that we all have now.
8. I "follow" about 6 fashion blogs, i LOVE fashion, wish i could get more into it.
9. When i'm upset about something or a little bothered, i usually go on cleaning rampades.
10 I am grateful for the things that my parents did for me in high school, they of course, know better then i did. Wouldn't be the person i am not without them.
11. My black jeans are my favorite piece of clothing that i own. they fit perfect, that is a rarity.
12. If i could have a day where all i did was watch movies, i'd take it! i love a good movie, blanket and ice cream.
13. I always wish that i had done more with my interest in art then i have. maybe someday.
14. one of my life goals is to have a visable six pack, better do it before i have kids ;)
15. I believe that i am pretty mature for my age. I've grown so much this past year.


Gracie said...

Oh annie! you are such an inspiration to all. You are truly flawless with your wording. You know how to make a scene but you also know how to "bring it back" as my girl tyra would say. you always know what to do and I hope someday I can be half the girl that you are. But not literally. Figuratively. I love your black jeans as well. I believe that you are mature for your age along with me :) the platts are SO mature! k gotta go gurl! I believe in your future! <3 and peace for years to come..

Meredith said...

First. Gubes is weird. Second I loved getting to know you better through this!

Brent said...

Annie, i did learn a few things and I am looking forward to the next 29 days! get on it!
Love you most!

Jenna said...

Love you mostest,
Love learning about you more through this.

Gary Hardy said...

I like Gubes comment, Mere is weird, and Jenna said it all. It was fun to learn about you through this.